Voorbeelden van klant activiteiten, resultaten, opdrachten, events, beurzen, media, trainingen, online materiaal en meer..
BB-CONNECT - Activities & Customer results
In January 2021 I started with my online coaching website: https://vandaagveranderen.nl
I have accomplished several individual coaching sessions with people who needed support in their career change and people who had difficulties accepting changes.
Since August 2021 I joined the team of https://rshaarlem.nl, to develop a new business unit for Hybrid Cloud Solutions. Next to that the project will involve business development and marketing support.
Since April 2021 BB Connect collaborates with AklikMedia, to provide SEA campaign services, web-site analyses and create better online awareness, call me for information or follow this link:
Starting November 2020 until May 2021 I have been supporting WSM Technology Nederland B.V. with their business development plan: https://wsmt.nl
> Creating and presenting a webinar on Surveillance storage
> Developing a LinkedIn marketing campaign, to promote knowledge, services and products
> Connecting new potential customers to the organisation, which led to additional revenue
> Established more active relationships with Milestone VMS partners in The Netherlands
Between December 2020 and February 2021 I have been working on an assignment for https://littlebit.ch an IT Distribution organisation.
My task was to analyse what opportunity the company has to develop sales in new markets, such as Surveillance and Enterprise.
After the first draft on both segments, I had been asked to focus on Enterprise and I have delivered a plan and new leads to the organisation.
Based on that their sales team was able to close new leads and structure the approach of Enterprise storage accounts.
Communication activities by Barber
LinkedIn Profile:
Channel Connect interview:
Dutch It Channel interview:
Expo Protection France, promotion with Western Digital Hikvision:
Emerce, artikel over trends in Surveillance storage:
Channel Connect artikelen met Western Digital:
Computable artikelen:
iMediate artikel over Netwerk Infrastructuren en storage:
Security Management artikel over camera toezicht:
Call The One:
The People's Valley, klant casus BAS Distribution:
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